Schedule and assignments
Differential Equations, Math 2350, Winter 1998

(Last modified April 3, 1998.) Watch this date, as assignments will be added during the semester.
Also, it is possible that there will be some slight modifications to this schedule.

Course information.

Tues 1/13 Sect. 1.1 Modelling Exer 1,3,13,14,18 and Lab homework 1
Thur 1/15 Sect. 1.2 Separation of variables Exer. 1,2,5,7,14,25
Sect. 1.3 Slope fields Exer. 1,2,8,11
Tues 1/20 Sect. 1.3 (cont.) Exer. 14-18
Sect. 1.4 Euler's method Exer. 5,6,10,11
Thur 1/22 Sect. 1.5 Existence and uniqueness Exer 1-3, 5-8, 10,12.
Start Lab 1.
Tues 1/27 Sect. 1.6 Equilibrium and the phase line Exer. 2,3,6,10,11,14, 23-31 odd.
Thur 1/29 Sect. 1.7 Bifurcations Exer. 1,2,3,5,7,16,17.
Lab 1 due.
Tues 2/3 Sect. 1.8 Linear equations Exer. 1,3,7,11,21.
Thur 2/5 Sect. 1.8 (cont) and review
Tues 2/10 EXAM 1
Thurs 2/12 Sect. 2.1
Sect. 2.2
Predator-prey systems
Exer. 7,8,9,16,17
Exer. 1-9,11,17-20.
Tues 2/17 Sect. 2.3 Graphical representations Exer 1,3,5.    Start Lab 2.
Thur 2/19 Sect. 2.4 Harmonic oscillator Exer. 2,5,6,7,12,13,14.
Tues 2/24 Sect. 2.6 Qualitative analysis Exer. 1,3,19,20,21.
Thur 2/26 Sect. 3.1 Linear systems Exer. 5-9,16,17,27,33,34.
Tues 3/3 Sect. 3.2 Straight line solutions Exer. 1,3,9,11,17,24,37.
Lab 2 due.
Thur 3/5 Sect. 3.3 Real eigenvalues Exer. 1,3,5,7,15,17,21
Sect. 3.4 Complex eigenvalues Exer. 1-13 odd, 21, 29
Tues 3/10 Review and summary
Thur 3/12 EXAM 2
----------- ---------- SPRING BREAK ----------------------
Tues 3/24 Sect. 3.5 Repeated and zero eigenvalues Exer. 1,3,5,10,11,21
Sect. 3.6 Families of systems Exer. 29,30,31,32.    Start Lab 3.
Thur 3/26 Sect. 4.1 Equilibrium point analysis Exer. 1-4,7,14,17,21-23,27,29
Tues 3/31 Sect. 4.1 (cont.)
Thur 4/2 Sect. 4.2 Hamiltonian systems Exer. 1,2,9-18.
Tues 4/7 Sect. 4.3 Dissipative systems Exer. 1,2,3,12,13,14,20,21.    Lab 3 due.
Thur 4/9 Review of nonlinear systems
Tues 4/14 EXAM 3
Thur 4/16 Sect. 8.1 Laplace transforms Start Lab 4 .
Tues 4/21 Sect. 8.2 Second order ODEs
Thur 4/23 Sect. 8.4 Qualitative theory
Thur 4/30 FINAL EXAM (Comprehensive) 1:20 - 3:50, in 127 State Hall.    Lab 4 due.