Schedule and assignments
Differential Equations, Math 235, Fall 1997

(Last modified December 4, 1997.)
( Watch this date, as assignments will be added during the semester.)

Course information.

Tues 9/2 Sect. 1.1 Modelling Exer 1,3,13,14,18 and Lab homework 1
Thur 9/4 Sect. 1.2 Separation of variables Exer. 1,2,5,7,14,25
Sect. 1.3 Slope fields Exer. 1,2,8,11
Tues 9/9 Sect. 1.3 (cont.) Exer. 13,14,15,16,17
Start Lab 1.
Sect. 1.4 Euler's method Exer. 1,2,13.
Thur 9/11 Sect. 1.5 Existence and uniqueness Exer. 1,2,3,5,7,9,10,12, and think about 18.
Tues 9/16 Sect. 1.6 Equilibrium and the phase line Exer. 1,2,6,7,10,23-31 odd.
Thur 9/18 Sect. 1.7 Bifurcations Exer. 1,3,7,10.
Lab 1 due.
Tues 9/23 Sect. 1.8 Linear equations Exer. 1,3,7,11,21.
Thur 9/25 EXAM 1
Tues 9/30 Sect. 2.1 Predator-prey systems Exer. 1,2,7,8,9,11,15,25.
Start Lab 2.
Sect. 2.2 Systems Exer. 1-12.
Thur 10/2 Sect. 2.2 (cont.) Exer. 17,18,19,28,29,32.
Sect. 2.3 Graphical representations Exer. 1,4,13,17,19,21.
Tues 10/7 Sect. 2.4 Harmonic oscillator Exer. 1,3,9,11.
Thur 10/9 Sect. 2.6 Qualitative analysis Exer. 1,3,5,7,9,11.
Tues 10/14 Sect. 3.1 Linear systems Lab 2 due. Start Lab 3.
Exer. 5-9, 16, 17, 27, 33, 34.
Thur 10/16 Sect. 3.2 Straight line solutions Exer. 1,3,9,11,17,24,37.
Tues 10/21 Sect. 3.3 Phase plane: real eigenvalues Exer. 1,3,5,7,15,17,21.
Thur 10/23 Sect. 3.4 Complex eigenvalues Exer. 1-13 odd, 21, 29.
Tues 10/28 Sect. 3.4 (cont.)
Sect. 3.5 Repeated and zero eigenvalues Exer. 1,3,5,10,11,21.
Thur 10/30 Sect. 3.5 (cont.) Lab 3 due.
Tues 11/4 EXAM 2
Thur 11/6 Sect. 3.6 Families of systems Exer. 29, 30, 31, 32.
Start Lab 4.
Tues 11/11 Sect. 3.6 (cont.)
Sect. 4.1 Equilibrium point analysis Exer. 1,3,4,17,22,23.
Thur 11/13 Sect. 4.1 (cont.)
Tues 11/18 Sect. 5.1 Forced harmonic oscillator Exer. 3,4,5,7,9,16,17,23.
Thur 11/20 Sect. 5.2 Resonance
Tues 11/25 EXAM 3 Lab 4 due.
Thurs 11/27 Thanksgiving
Tues 12/2 Sect. 8.1 Laplace transforms Exer. 1b, 1c, 3, 6, 9, 15.
Thur 12/4 Sect. 8.2 Second order ODEs Exer. 3,5,7,9,11, and Optional: 15,16,17.
Tues 12/9 Sect. 8.4 Qualitative theory Exer. 1,3,5,7,9.
Tues 12/16 FINAL EXAM (Comprehensive)