Lab 2
Differential Equations, Math 235, Fall 1997
Due Tuesday October 14.

The Harmonic Oscillator with Modified Damping

You should use pplane5 in MATLAB, or the web based phase plane plotter to do this assignment.

Do Lab 2.2 in the text. Use the last digit of your social security number to select the parameters m, k sub s, k sub d, and alpha from the table on page 220 (with choice 10 corresponding to a last digit of 0, otherwise the choice should equal the last digit of your social security number).

Read questions 1-3 carefully, and be sure to answer all parts of each.

Note the authors' comment, `... although one good illustration may be worth 1000 words, 1000 illustrations are usually worth nothing.' If you feel tempted to include a large number of illustrations, analyze why, and see if you can say in words what you hope I would get from the illustrations. Then select a limited number of important examples.