Geometry: An Axiomatic Approach

Math 6140, Fall 2013





Regular homework problems will be assigned (10 to 12 sets in all). They will be due at the start of class on the assigned due date. Volunteers will be given the chance to present some of the homework problems in class, for credit. When we start studying Euclid, small groups will be formed to present some of Euclid's propositions. This will happen around the middle of the semester.

Occasional quizzes will be given. There will be two midterm tests and a final. Class presentations will also count toward your grade.

Exam schedule:

Geometer's Sketchpad:

Geometer's Sketchpad will be used in class and will be needed for some of the homework assignments. If you wish to purchase a copy, the student edition currently costs $10 for a one year license and $35 for a permanent license.

Geometer's Sketchpad is available to College of Education students in the Education Technology Center in Room 114 of the Education Building. Note that it is only installed on the Windows machines in this lab.



Your grade will then be based on the percentage (90, 80, 70, 60) of the possible total score.