Geometry: An Axiomatic Approach
Math 6140, Fall 2012
- Last Thursday, 6 December, was the last class.
Here are some sample questions
to use in studying for the Final Exam, which is on 13 December, during
the usual class time, 4:30 - 5:50.
- The actual final will not be as long as the list of practice problems,
and may have problems similar to those on the first two tests as well as
problems similar to these practice problems.
- Exam week office hours: Mon - Wed 4-5 and Thu 3-4.
- Math 6140
- 35 State Hall
- Tu & Th 4:30 - 5:50
- Texts:
- Euclid, The Elements, Books I and II. This is Volume 1 of the 3 volume set
published by Dover, and called "The Thirteen Books of the Elements", translated and with an
introduction by Sir Thomas L. Heath.
It should be in the bookstore and its ISBN number is
- McClure, Course Notes for MA 460. (Version 5,
new as of Aug 30, 2012.)
These are the notes written by Prof. McClure for the version of this course which he teaches
at Purdue University.
They are reproduced here with his permission.
- There is an excellent
online version of Euclid's Elements.
List of Definitions, Basic Facts, and Theorems
from the course notes.
List of Definitions, Common Notions, and Propositions
from the Euclid, Book I.
Robert Bruner
- Office: 1193 FAB, (313)-577-2499
- Math Department: (313)-577-2479
- Fax: (313)-577-7596 (shared)
- Office hours: Mon 4-5 and Thu 3-4 or by appt.
Regular homework problems will be assigned (10 to 12 sets in all). They
will be due at the start of
class on the assigned due date.
Volunteers will be given the chance to present some of the homework
problems in class, for credit. When we start studying Euclid, small
groups will be formed to present some of Euclid's propositions. This will happen
around the middle of the semester.
Occasional quizzes will be given.
There will be two midterm tests and a final. Class presentations will also
count toward your grade.
Exam schedule:
- Exam 1: Thursday, October 4
- Exam 2: Thursday, November 8
- Last class: Thursday, December 6
- Final Exam: Thursday, December 13
(University Final Exam Schedule)
Geometer's Sketchpad:
Geometer's Sketchpad will be used in class and will be needed for some of the homework
assignments. If you wish to purchase a copy, the student edition
currently costs $10 for a one year license
and $35 for a permanent license.
Geometer's Sketchpad is available to College of Education students in the
Education Technology Center in Room 114 of the Education Building.
Note that it is only installed on the Windows machines in this lab.
- For Tuesday, September 4, read pages 1-11 of McClure's Course Notes, through the
end of Section 2.1.
- Homework 1, due Tuesday, Sept. 11.
- Homework 2, due Thursday, Sept. 20.
- Homework 3, due Thursday, Sept. 27.
- Homework 4, due Tuesday, Oct. 2.
- Exam 1, Thursday Oct. 4.
- Homework 5, due Tuesday, Oct. 16.
- Euclid's Propositions throughout the rest of the semester.
- Homework 6, due Thursday, Oct. 25.
- Read Euclid's Propositions 9 - 15 and be prepared for a short quiz
on them Tuesday, Oct. 30.
- Homework 7, due Thursday, Nov. 1.
- Read Euclid's Propositions 20 - 25 and McClure's Notes, Chapter 8.
- Homework 8, due Thursday, Nov. 15.
- Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
- Read Euclid's Propositions 27 - 35 and McClure's Notes through Theorem 42
for the week following Thanksgiving.
- Homework 9, due Thursday, Nov. 29.