The 1999 Unni Namboodiri Lectures
and mini-conference
April 21-27, 1999
The University of Chicago

The Namboodiri Lectures at the University of Chicago this year will be combined with a weekend mini-conference and a banquet in honor of Mel Rothenberg, who is retiring this year. Here is information about accomodations .

The 1999 Unni Namboodiri Lectures:
Speaker: Ib Madsen
Aarhus University


The Algebraic K-Theory of Rings and Spaces

Friday, April 23
Monday, April 26
Tuesday, April 27

All three talks will be at 4:00 PM in Room 251, Ryerson Hall, 1100 E. 58th Street.

Schedule of events:

Wednesday April 21, in E206
4:00 Colloquium: Sylvain Cappell speaker

Friday April 23, in 251 Ryerson Hall, 1100 E. 58th Street
4:00 The First Namboodiri Lecture: Ib Madsen
The Algebraic K-Theory of Rings and Spaces, I

Saturday April 24, in E206
10:00 John Lott
On the homotopy invariance of higher signatures for manifolds-with-boundary
11:30 Georgia Triantafillou
Arithmeticity and the groups of isotopy and pseudoisotopy classes of diffeomorphisms
2:30 Lars Hesselholt
Localization in Topological Hochschild Homology and Differentials with Logarithmic Poles
4:00 John Greenlees
Equivariant connective K theory and equivariant formal group laws

Sunday April 25, in E206
10:00 Ronnie Lee
Genus Inequality and Four-Dimensional Surgery
11:30 Frank Connolly
Regular Neighborhoods of Subsets of Stratified Spaces
2:30 Dan Burghelea
Witten-Helffer-Sjöstrand theory in the presence of symmetry
4:00 Julius Shaneson
6:30 Banquet at Szechuan House, 625 N. Michigan Avenue.
Please notify Eugenie Hunsicker , if you plan to attend. There will be a charge of $30.00.

Monday April 26, in 251 Ryerson Hall, 1100 E. 58th Street
4:00 The Second Namboodiri Lecture: Ib Madsen
The Algebraic K-Theory of Rings and Spaces, II

Tuesday April 27, in 251 Ryerson Hall, 1100 E. 58th Street
4:00 The Third Namboodiri Lecture: Ib Madsen
The Algebraic K-Theory of Rings and Spaces, III

Some rooms have been booked at the Ramada Inn, 4900 S. Lake Shore Drive, (773)288-5800 for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, April 22-25. Direct reservations can be made, or Dorothy Frazier can book the room for you.

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